Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Best TVs coming in 2014

Hottest TV action for the year ahead - OLED, 4K and more... See gallery
This year’s Consumer Electronics Show in humble old Las Vegas was all about TVs. Other tech such as wearable gadgets, phones and the occasional networked-fridge tried to steal the limelight from time to time, but in the end nothing could stand against the TV onslaught.
The models on show from all the big brands were bigger than ever, more numerous than ever, smarter than ever, higher resolution than ever and yes, even bendier than ever.
And while the darling of last year’s show, OLED, might have mysteriously slipped into the shadows, there was so much talk of 4K TV that you’d be forgiven for thinking this next-gen technology was already mainstream. And there were curved screens everywhere.
Join us, then, as we take a voyage of discovery around the CES halls to bring you our pick of the 10 best, most innovative or just plain weird TVs 2014 has to offer.

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